That's progress of a sort. As for the usual protests:
- "Dead Americans Returned from Libya, Bomb Threats at Home: 'Same Old, Same Old' "
(September 14, 2012)
I think killing Americans and torching an embassy isn't an appropriate response: not even for someone who's really angry. That said, I can sympathize with Muslims who are upset about what seems to be the latest anti-Islamic film.
But folks who get upset, and then kill someone? That's unacceptable.
Ridiculing 'Those People'
I'm part of a religious minority in America, and long ago got used to having my faith ridiculed by other Americans:
(Chick Publications, via, used w/o permission)
I don't like comics like the one in that excerpt. But I'd much rather live in a country where folks are free to express their opinions: as long as I'm allowed to do the same. I remember the trailing edge of McCarthyism, and the more recent political correctness: and didn't like either one.
"Freedom" shouldn't mean "free to agree with me, or be quiet:"
- "Freedom of Speech: Bothersome, but Valuable"
A Catholic Citizen in America (January 27, 2012)
Living in a Big World
Like I've said before, we live in a big world. Like it or not, the 7,000,000,000 or so folks who share the planet don't all:- Look alike
- Wear the same clothes
- Follow the same
- Faith
- Customs
I also hope that more of us can learn to say what we believe: without hurling insults at 'those people over there.' And that's another topic.
Here's a bit of what started me writing this post:
"Fury about a film that insults the Prophet Mohammad tore across the Middle East after weekly prayers on Friday with protesters attacking U.S. embassies and burning American flags as the Pentagon rushed to bolster security at its missions.Related posts:
"At least seven people were killed as local police struggled to repel assaults after weekly Muslim prayers in Tunisia and Sudan, while there was new violence in Egypt and Yemen and across the Muslim world, driven by emotions ranging from piety to anger at Western power to frustrations with local leaders and poverty.
"A Taliban attack on a base in Afghanistan that killed two Americans may also have been timed to coincide with protests.
"But three days after the amateurish film of obscure origin triggered an attack on the U.S. consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi that killed the ambassador and three other Americans on Sept. 11, President Barack Obama led a ceremony to honour the returning dead and vowed to 'stand fast' against the violence.
" 'The United States will never retreat from the world,' said Obama, who in seeking re-election must defend his record on protecting U.S. interests, both at embassies and more widely in a region where last year's Arab Spring revolts overthrew pro-Western autocrats to the benefit of once-oppressed Islamists...."
(Ulf Laessing and Tarek Amara, Reuters)
"...Protesters angered over a film that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad fired gunshots and burned down the U.S. consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing one American diplomat, witnesses and the State Department said. In Egypt, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner.
"It was the first such assaults on U.S. diplomatic facilities in either country, at a time when both Libya and Egypt are struggling to overcome the turmoil following the ouster of their longtime leaders, Muammar Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak in uprisings last year.
"The protests in both countries were sparked by outrage over a film ridiculing Muhammad produced by an American in California and being promoted by an extreme anti-Muslim Egyptian Christian campaigner in the United States. Excerpts from the film dubbed into Arabic were posted on YouTube...."
(Associated Press, via
- Living in a big world
- "Dead Syrians, Stability, and Getting a Grip"
(June 9, 2012) - "Freedom, Even For 'Those People Over There' "
(November 11, 2011) - "Business-As-Usual in Bahrain: Poet Imprisoned"
(June 12, 2011) - "Burning the Quran? Better Than
Burning a Muslim: Still - - -"
(September 5, 2010) - "Danish Newspaper's Cartoons Back in the News"
(October 27, 2009)
- "Dead Syrians, Stability, and Getting a Grip"
- Tolerance
- "Remembering September 11, 2001; and Looking Ahead"
(September 11, 2012) - "Pakistan, America, Cultural Sensitivity, and Giving Terrorists a Break"
(June 19, 2011) - "Incinerated Church, Dead Christians: But it Could be Worse"
(May 10, 2011) - "Religious Freedom, Niemöller, and Muslims in America"
A Catholic Citizen in America (April 7, 2011) - " 'Draw Mohammed Day,' the Sequel"
(July 13, 2010)
- "Remembering September 11, 2001; and Looking Ahead"
- Religion
- "Love, Hate, and Lady Gaga"
A Catholic Citizen in America (May 27, 2012) - "Religion, Assumptions, and Getting a Grip"
A Catholic Citizen in America (January 1, 2012) - "With Friends Like These, Islam Doesn't Need Enemies"
(April 14, 2011) - "Sudan, Women, Trousers, Culture and Common Sense"
(September 7, 2009) - "Saudi Cleric Wants Women to Use One Eye - I'm Not Making This Up"
(October 4, 2008)
- "Love, Hate, and Lady Gaga"
- "WRAPUP 6-Anti-American fury sweeps Middle East over film"
Ulf Laessing and Tarek Amara, Reuters (September 14, 2012) - "State Department officer killed in attack on US Consulate in Libya, following Egyptian protest at US embassy"
Associated Press, via (September 12, 2012)
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